Donate for the House of One


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Submitted questions by our users

There will be three different prayerrooms in the House of One, which alllow people of different religions to withdraw and pray according to their own traditions. The ideas is NOT to merge all religions, but on the contrary: to meet each other open minded and in dignity.

Ja, Sie können auch per Überweisung spenden. Unsere Kontoverbindung finden Sie auf der Spenden-Seite. Sollte die Spendensumme nicht erreicht werden, werden die eingegangenen Spenden satzungsgemäß für Projekte verwendet, die „zum gegenseitigen Verständnis der Religionen durch friedensfördernde, sozial gerechte und die Schöpfung erhaltene Formen des Zusammenlebens beitragen“ (§2 der Satzung). Weitere Informationen zur Mittelverwendung.

There are two ways to give away a stone donation:1) Create a login under the name of the birthday child, then choose the payment method bank transfer and then transfer from your own account. You must then add donation for ... (name of child birth days) in the transfer details. 2) Or make a donation in your own name. Ignore the automatically generated donation certificate. Send us an email request and We will send you a blank certificate in the mail. You can then enter the name of the recipient by hand. The shipment takes place after receipt of payment.

Questions about the idea and concept behind The House of One

The association, House of Prayer and Learning Petriplatz Berlin e. V., was set up in October 2011 to provide the project with institutional support and ensure that the decision-making processes guaranteed equality for each of the three religious communities. The association’s founding members are the Jewish Community of Berlin and the Abraham Geiger College (Jewish partners), the Forum für Interkulturellen Dialog e.V. (Muslim partner), the Evangelische Kirchengemeinde St. Petri- St. Marien and the Evangelische Kirchenkreis Berlin-Stadtmitte (Christian partners). The association’s current board members are Gregor Hohberg (priest), Dr. Andreas Nachama(rabbi), Kadir Sanci (imam), Maya Zehden, Roland Stolte, and Cebrail Terlemez.

The association’s activities will receive support from the high-ranking members of the supervisory board, who will oversee the planning and construction of The House of One. They will also help to ensure high-level exchange between the three religions by providing academic and theological assistance.

In September 2016 the House of One received a new supporting structure: the Foundation House of One.

The trustees are to: Pastor Gregor Hohberg, Rabbi Dr. Andreas Nachama, Imam Kadir Sanci, Renate Franke, Barbara Witting, Suleyman Bag, Karl-Heinz Blickle, Celal Findik, Dr. Dirk Fischer, Dr. Dirk Pilz, Gerrit Popkes, Mike de Vries.

Roland Stolte (Chairman and concept), Katrin Hassenkamp (Marketing, from 1.1.2017) and provisionally Fredrick Barkenhammar (fundraising) form the managing board.

The association Bet- und Lehrhaus Petriplatz Berlin e.V. will continue as Friends of the House of One.


Religions influence societies all over the world, in numerous different ways and to many different degrees. What’s more, as the world becomes more globalized, followers of different religions are increasingly coming into contact with one another. While many of these encounters are peaceful, others can lead to fierce opposition or even violence.

With The House of One, three faiths are choosing to establish a new kind of space – one where innovative architecture creates a unique atmosphere in which Jews, Christians, and Muslims can co-exist peacefully and without prejudice. Almost everyone who hears about our project welcomes the idea immediately. In fact, people often ask us why no one has thought of this simple (in the very best sense of the word) idea before. Responses like this show us that we’ve hit on something good and that many people believe the world needs a project like The House of One.


No. The three holy rooms within The House of One will be arranged around a central, communal room. This will ensure that the project achieves much more than just an inter-faith discussion that excludes everyone else.

People involved in culture, business and politics, followers of other religions and, especially, people who do not identify with any religion are welcome to come to The House of One and help fill the communal room with life. Our aim is for this to inspire fruitful exchanges between these groups and the three religions. The House of One will be built in Berlin-Mitte, close to the city’s many cultural and political institutions, and the Humboldt Forum which will be housed in the reconstructed city palace. As such, the area will be an inspiring environment for open-minded, globally relevant encounters between these diverse groups.

No, our intention is quite the opposite. We do not want to standardize the religions and we are not seeking any kind of lowest theological or ethical common denominator. The architecture of The House of One is a clear expression of this. The three separate holy rooms will allow each religion to observe and nurture its own practices in a manner fitting with our times. However, by coming into contact with the other two faiths and with society as a whole, each religion will gain an outside perspective on itself that will deepen and enrich its identity.

The House of One will first of all be a house of prayer and teaching. But it is also a public place in the centre of Berlin, for which we will find further formats that will bring the character of the religions closer to the curious, interested or sceptical. Our educational work with children, young people and adults will also find a new home there.

With its large central room, the House of One will be a house of teaching in the broadest sense: as a house of encounter between the religions and, equally, of encounter with society - through lectures, festivals and exhibitions, through readings, concerts and workshops - a laboratory for practicing understanding and respect.

The idea behind House of One was developed very much with its specific Berlin location in mind. It would therefore be hard to transfer this background and the architectural concept to other locations. However, we are hoping that we can engage with, learn from, and help other initiatives and institutions (wherever they are in the world) that share our aims of bringing about peace between different faiths.

Information about The House of One

We have collected all the key information about the House of One. There’s everything from an overview of the facts and figures, to activity sheets for kids. Please let us know and we will happily provide you with the materials needed.


We have materials that tell students all about The House of One in a fun and engaging way. You can hand them out in class, distribute them to the whole school, or use them in lessons.


Questions about where the donations go and how they are managed

In order to build The House of One, we need donations totaling 69.5 Million Euros.

Your donation will be used to finance the construction of The House of One, from the planning stage to the completed building. On top of that, a small share of your donation will help cover advertising and management costs. However, as we are receiving a generous amount of pro-bono support from our sponsors, we can keep these costs to a minimum.

We are very much aware that our donors, sponsors, and supporters are putting an enormous amount of trust in us. We are therefore committed to handling the funds responsibly and with a high degree of transparency. For a precise overview of how we are using your donations and a detailed breakdown of all donations, click here:

Use of funds & monitoring

You can help make The House of One a reality by donating bricks and by encouraging others to get involved in the project. Launch your own fundraising campaign and get your family, friends, colleagues, classmates, and community to help your reach your goal.

Donation tool

Set up a fundraising page

The idea and concept of the House of One is met with great approval at both federal and state level. This is also expressed in financial support. Both the federal and state governments are each providing 10 million euros for the construction of the building. In 2016 we already received 3.3 million euros from the federal and state governments of the "National Urban Development Projects" fund.

In addition, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs is financing several staff positions and the substantive work to prevent anti-Semitism rooted in religions through its project "Demokratie Leben!". The Federal Ministry of the Interior supported previously the establishment of the Social Media Team.

As an expression of the solidarity with our interreligious peace project, the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, will also assume the chairmanship of the Board of Trustees.

The Evangelical Church is providing us conceptual support and human resources to the extent that it can. This is extremely helpful in our efforts to grow the project and gain widespread acceptance for it. However, none of the revenue from Germany’s church tax will go into building The House of One.

Our foundation benefits from tax relief (tax office decision of Sept. 1, 2016), which means donations are tax deductible in Germany. Upon request we will send you a donation receipt for the total amount during the first months of the following year by post.

As a rule, donations within the EU are tax deductible, but donors should also check their national legislation. If you require help with donation receipts for countries inside or outside the EU, feel free to contact us.

Questions about the construction of The House of One

The design is the work of the architects at Kuehn Malvezzi in Berlin. They won first prize in the global competition that we held in 2012.

We had to cancel the laying of the foundation stone planned for April 2020 due to the Corona Pandemic. As soon as we can set a new date, we will announce this via media, website and newsletter.

The architects have designed The House of One in such a way that the building systems will only offer basic functions. This means upkeep will remain within manageable limits. We will finance the upkeep through a reserve fund put together from donations not connected to the construction work.

Operating costs | Allocation of funds & monitoring

As far as the personnel costs and program work connected to The House of One are concerned, the association will provide basic resources (rabbi, priest, imam) through its lead institutions. It would be highly beneficial to the project if these resources could be expanded. If you are interested in helping us do so, and if you want to make a sustainable contribution to a particular aspect of our work (academic work, literature, art, music, etc.), please get in touch and we will draw up an individual solution for your involvement.


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