In September 2016 the interreligious dialogue project House of One received a new supporting structure: the Foundation House of One.
The trustees are to: Pastor Gregor Hohberg, Rabbi Dr. Andreas Nachama, Imam Kadir Sanci, Renate Franke, Barbara Witting, Suleyman Bag, Karl-Heinz Blickle, Celal Findik, Dr. Dirk Fischer, Dr. Dirk Pilz, Gerrit Popkes, Mike de Vries.
Roland Stolte (Chairman and Konzept), Katrin Hassenkamp (Marketing, from 1.1.2017) and provisionally Fredrick Barkenhammar (fundraising) form the managing board.
The Foundation has emerged from the Bet- und Lehrhaus Petriplatz Berlin e.V.. The association will continue as Friends of the House of One.