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Thursday, 27 Sept 2018

The Leo Baeck Education Center from Israel is a guest at the House of One

Students and teachers from Haifa informed themselves about the interreligious work being done in Germany

They know what it means to along with different religions: over 20 students and teachers of the Leo Baeck Education Center (LBEC) wanted to know more about the challenges and progress of the three religions under one roof project.The LBEC is an intercultural educational institution that gears its programming to children and young people from different social, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. The overriding goal is an education leading to peace and coexistence between Jews and Muslims. They wanted to know if they also need such a house, and to what vision the house is connected. The young people were especially impressed by the international acceptance of the foundation and the joint work between Jews, Christians, and Muslims in various educational areas. The students wanted to assess the potential of such a project in Germany from their own experience: will many religious communities participate and will there be hostility from radical groups? The visit to the Pavilion at Petriplatz in Berlin Mitte was the kick-off to a 10-day Berlin visit. Hopefully an impression that will stay with the students during this trip and after.

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